CEC Introduction
  • Administrative Office
  • Research Department
  • International Department
  • Membership Department
  • Training Center
  • Information Exchange Center
  • Consulting Center
  • News Press
  • Publishing House
  • Department of Employers

  • The Information Exchange Center

    The China Enterprise Information Exchange Center, a center of nationwide information exchange, was established in 1986.Its mission is to supply information exchange services to foreign and domestic enterprises in the sectors of industry, commerce, banking and finance, transportation, capital construction, export and import, and service.

    entrepreneurs databaseThe Information Exchange Center boasts a large group of talents on information exchange and state-of-the art information processing equipment. It derives its information from a wide range of sources: the State Economic and Trade Commission, the State Commission of Science and Technology, the taxation, statistics, pricing and patents authorities and the sectors of electronics, crude oil, petrochemicals, coal, light industry, textiles, transportation, foreign trade, and banking, with which the Center maintains a very close working relationship.

    Over the years, the Center has developed a series of long-distance two-way communication systems and data retrieval and search systems. Put into commission in January 1991,the on-line system of "All-China Enterprise Information Exchange Net" is accessible by subscribers in over 100 large and medium cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Taiyuan, Datong, Huhhot, Baotou, Shenyang, Dalian, Changchun, Jilin, Harbin, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Jiaxing, Hefei, Ma'anshan, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Nanchang, Jiujiang, Jinan, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Luoyang, Wuhan, Changsha, Xiangtan, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Haikou, Nanning, Chengdu, Guiyang, Kunming,Yuxi,Xi'an,Xining,Lanzhou,Yinchuan and Wulumuqi. The net links up over 1000 large and medium enterprises and has a retrieving speed of 50,000 words per minute.

    The Center operates its business in the following lines:
    -Gathering and processing information regarding products, technology, trade, finance, stock market, realty, advisory, information media and new product samples, with a view to being instrumental in introducing new technical know-how, bringing in foreign capital, encouraging exportation, developing new products, promoting technical revamping, enhancing product quality, reducing enterprise cost and increasing product competitiveness;
    -Developing, generating and selling economic data bases of various types, and those of excellent Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs;
    -Building large and medium-size enterprise networking information systems, spreading the two-way exchange of the network, promoting the exchange of product, technological and trade information between domestic and foreign companies;
    -Undertaking market surveys for foreign companies and to providing advisory services for their entry into the Chinese market; undertaking to promote sales of domestic manufacturers and to facilitate their access to the international market;
    -Undertaking to act as business agents, publish news releases and conduct sales promotion activities;
    -Compiling and publishing Market Observation (monthly, nation-wide circulation) and the weekly of Senior Managers' Manual (internal circulation);
    -Conducting the routine work of the CEC's China Enterprise Information Working Committee;
    -Undertaking nation-wide product competitiveness surveys sponsored by CEC/CEDA;
    -Organizing information exchanges, carrying on researches of enterprise information theories and training managerial staff for enterprises.

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