CEC Introduction
  • Administrative Office
  • Research Department
  • International Department
  • Membership Department
  • Training Center
  • Information Exchange Center
  • Consulting Center
  • News Press
  • Publishing House
  • Department of Employers

  • The News Press

    The China Enterprise News Press, the only major newspaper devoted to enterprises and entrepreneurs in China, is published by CEC/CEDA. Mr. Yuan Baohua, honorary president or CEC/CEDA, is the honorary chairman of the News Press and Mr. Chen Yun autographed its Chinese title. The board of directors, chosen fro representatives of renowned enterprises in China, guides and supervises the activities of the journal.
    Abiding by its principle of "committed to the enterprises and serving the enterprises", the China Enterprise News Press is a forum created by and for the Chinese enterprises and entrepreneurs themselves. It is instrumental in:
    -publicizing the state's laws, regulations and industrial policies;
    -reporting on enterprise reforms and enterprise management development;
    -introducing advanced methods, techniques, experiences of overseas enterprises;
    -evaluating the influence that the latest technological developments produce on enterprise development;
    -spreading enterprise culture and entrepreneurial spirit;
    -reflecting enterprises' calls for policy change or adjustments;
    -delving into the success stories, management experiences and development patterns of salient Chinese enterprises.
    With all these efforts combined, we are striving to build a novel image for the Chinese enterprise sector.

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