CEC Introduction
  • Administrative Office
  • Research Department
  • International Department
  • Membership Department
  • Training Center
  • Information Exchange Center
  • Consulting Center
  • News Press
  • Publishing House
  • Department of Employers

  • The Training Center

    Established in 1983, the China Enterprise Management Training Center is dedicated to offering training courses in modern enterprise management knowledge with a focus on key, hotly debated issues that have arisen from the economic system and enterprise reforms.

    The Training Center offers its training in the following forms:short and medium term courses, televised seminars, and correspondence seminars, to enterprise directors and managers. The televised seminar "Correspondence Course On Updating Enterprise Management Knowledge" the Center produced together with CCTV. and the coursebooks "Updating Enterprise Management Knowledge" the Center compiled with the People's University of China are two examples par excellence and have produced far-reaching effects on the enterprise sector in China.

    The Training Center has kept a good working relationship with governmental departments and institutions, research institutes, colleges and universities, and has established a extensive training network with the local industry federations and enterprise management and directors associations located in the various provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.

    The topics of training include operational management, fiscal management, personnel management, quality management, production management, human resources management, information system management, leadership structure, operational strategies, organizational structure, overseas operations, technological advances, scientific decision-making, etc.

    The Center has a faculty of 20 full-time instructors: 12 professors and associate professors, and 8 lectures. It also has 61 part-time instructors coming from governmental departments, high learning institutions, research institutions, scholars and professors.

    Trainees range from enterprise directors (state-owned, non-state-owned or township enterprises), joint venture managers, foreign funded enterprise managers, and directors or supervisors of joint-stock companies, to managers of various other enterprises.

    Its teaching facilities include: an auditorium (capacity:300), a theatre (capacity:110), a function room (capacity: 80), a meeting-room (capacity: 40), a reception room ( capacity: 30), 300 guest rooms and a dining-hall (capacity: 300).

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